Ashley Gail Harris
For going above and beyond to provide Sanctuary with curated children’s libraries and weekly, healthy snacks — extending far beyond her arts education-based organization, Wide Rainbow.
Kobi Chng Koh Yee
Acknowledging his phenomenal work providing financial resources, culturally sensitive interpretation, and case management to survivors of gender violence at Sanctuary.
Diane Steiner & Emma Brown
This grandmother / granddaughter lawyer duo has been instrumental in our matrimonial cases by assisting with backlogged referrals and providing legal information and other resources to survivors.
Dante Matero
Celebrating his incredible commitment to our LGBTQIA+ survivors seeking asylum providing over 100 hours of translation and interpretation.
Jennifer Barry
In recognition of her exceptional leadership and support of Sanctuary’s family law policy issues, coordination of our upcoming Family Law Conference, and facilitating a series of roundtable discussions.
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