Rigorous evaluation ensures our programs meet client needs
Why evaluate?
Results-focused program evaluation is central to our work. By measuring our outcomes and quantifying results, we are able to identify what works and how we can have the greatest positive impact on our clients’ lives.
How we do it
We place client experience at the center of our evaluation efforts. We solicit feedback directly from clients about their experience with the agency and the changes they have experienced since beginning to receive services. Individual client progress forms track progress towards results on a program-by-program basis.
In recent years, we have enhanced our evaluation work by developing a streamlined, organization-wide results-focused framework, investing in our data systems, and expanding our Program Evaluation team.
Engaging in thoughtful and rigorous program evaluation enables us to remain at the forefront of the anti-gender violence movement. It facilitates open and respectful communication. Finally, it ensures that we honor commitments that we have made to our stakeholders including clients, staff, Board members and funders, among others.