A conversation with Tanya Selvaratnam

In her memoir, Assume Nothing: A Story about Intimate Violence, Tanya chronicles her painful experience of isolation, control, and abuse, how she extricated herself from it, and her decision to come forward against the top law enforcement officer of New York State.

Ensuring Justice for Immigrant Survivors

Moderated by Ana L. Oliveira, President & CEO of The New York Women’s Foundation, Sanctuary for Families hosted a virtual event in support of Sanctuary’s Immigration Intervention Project was held on February 25th, 2021. Featured panelists include Pooja Asnani, Director, Immigration Intervention Project, Sanctuary for Families; Kyle A. Dandelet, Pro Bono Immigration Attorney, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP; Carolient Hardenbol, Senior Immigration Specialist, Sanctuary for Families; and Dorchen A. Leidholdt, Director, Legal Center, Sanctuary for Families.