Pro Se Custody Petition Drafting Clinic

Thank you for volunteering with Sanctuary’s Pro Se Custody Petition Drafting Clinic (Pro Se Drafting

Thank you for volunteering with Sanctuary’s Pro Se Custody Petition Drafting Clinic (Pro Se Drafting Clinic)!  Your assistance drafting custody petitions will be invaluable to our clients. This resource page contains all of the information you will need to successfully participate in this Clinic.

After you speak with your pro se client and draft their custody-related documents, please be sure to email them to your Sanctuary supervising attorney and then enter the Zoom room where you can consult with your Sanctuary supervising attorney about the draft documents.

Important: You must watch the Custody Petition Drafting Webinar below and review the Trauma-Informed Lawyering Tip Sheet before participating in a clinic day. If you are volunteering as an interpreter or working with an interpreter, you must also review the Trauma-Informed Interpretation Tip Sheet before your clinic day. We strongly recommend you review the remaining Helpful Resources as well.