Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act (DVSJA)

The DVSJA affords judges the discretion to impose reduced sentences if a defendant was “a

The DVSJA affords judges the discretion to impose reduced sentences if a defendant was “a victim of domestic violence subjected to substantial physical, sexual or psychological abuse inflicted by a member of the same family or household,” the abuse was “a significant contributing factor” to the crime, and, taking all of the circumstances into account, a standard sentence would be “unduly harsh.” The DVSJA allows defendants to seek a reduced sentence after conviction, and it also allows defendants who were sentenced before the DVSJA’s enactment the opportunity to apply for re-sentencing.

Sample COMPAS Report

This is a sample COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) report completed to

This is a sample COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) report completed to determine the likelihood of a defendant’s recividism.

Authorizations for Releases of Information

This resource page includes blank forms to authorize the release of court files, client records,

This resource page includes blank forms to authorize the release of court files, client records, and client medical information. Please always check with the particular facility to ensure that the authorization meets their requirements. It is advised to have these authorizations signed early in the process so you can start collecting relevant client documents right away.