Did you know you can support Sanctuary’s mission and ensure its legacy by arranging a donation now to be allocated at a future date? You can accomplish this kind of planned giving in several ways, including making a bequest through a will or living trust or naming Sanctuary as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. Sanctuary’s website provides a lot of valuable information about these planned giving options.
However, there are many misconceptions about what planned giving looks like—see below for some of the most common myths debunked.
Myth #1: Only wealthy people can make planned gifts.
Planned giving is for anyone who wants to impact an organization, regardless of their wealth. Many planned giving options are accessible to donors of all financial backgrounds.
Myth #2: Planned giving is only for older donors.
Anyone can make a planned gift at any age. Younger donors may find it beneficial to start planning their giving strategy early in life to maximize the impact of their philanthropy.
Myth #3: Planned giving is too complicated.
Our website has many resources available to help donors easily navigate the process, understand the options, and make informed decisions.
Myth #4: Planned giving means giving up control of assets.
There are options that allow donors to retain control of their assets during their lifetime, such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts.
Myth #5: I have to talk to a lawyer about my planned giving decisions.
You don’t necessarily have to consult your lawyer before making decisions around planned giving. For example, you can designate Sanctuary to receive a portion of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. For more information on which charitable plan works best for you, visit the Sanctuary website and answer a few simple questions to point you down the right path.
Your legacy can shape Sanctuary’s future – visit our website to explore your options for planned giving and make a lasting difference today.
If you would like to talk to someone at Sanctuary about planned giving, please email Susan Puder at spuder@sffny.org to schedule a convenient time.