About Us
The Narkis Golan International Child Abduction Initiative (the “NGI”) is a groundbreaking new Sanctuary for Families’ pro bono initiative dedicated to increasing access to justice for survivors of gender-based violence who relocate to the United States with their children to flee abuse and seek safety and security.
The NGI’s work focuses mainly on U.S.-based cases falling under the 1980 Hague Convention on International Child Abduction (the “Hague Convention”).
The NGI:
- Provides training, educational resources, technical assistance, referrals, and advice and mentorship to advocates, public interest attorneys, and pro bono attorneys across the United States;
- Conducts client consultations and provides pro se advice and assistance;
- Works with clients to find appropriate attorney referrals and/or secure pro bono representation;
- Strategically files amicus briefs in Hague Convention appellate cases; and
- Advocates with governmental agencies to improve the implementation of the Hague Convention.
The NGI is staffed by Nicole Fidler, Senior Project Director, and Lesley Johannsen, Senior Staff Attorney. The NGI has an Advisory Committee, which is comprised of former clients, legal services organization attorneys, private attorneys, Hague academics and researchers, and retired jurist.