Executive Director Judy H. Kluger welcomes you to our new website.
If there is one thing we’ve learned at Sanctuary in the thirty years since our founding, it’s that we can’t do it all on our own.
As we strive to create a world where freedom from gender violence is a basic human right, our staff and our survivor-leaders increasingly need your support to face the challenges ahead.
That’s why I could not be more excited to welcome you to the new sanctuaryforfamilies.org.
This new website offers a range of options to get involved with Sanctuary’s services for survivors of gender violence, along with our extensive outreach, training and advocacy.
You’ll find dynamic Volunteer and Pro Bono portals and interactive Events pages. You can sign up for email updates at the bottom of every page, request outreaches and trainings, and make donations with ease.
Looking for more updates about our work? You can discover insights and get the latest news right here on our brand new blog, and find inspiration in the stories of some remarkable survivors.
And – finally – you can do it all on your mobile phone or tablet.
More importantly, we’ve made it easier to get help. Large “get help” buttons are visible throughout the site, and lead to descriptive Get Help pages available in English and Spanish. A permanent escape button ensures you can exit the site quickly if someone enters the room.
I welcome you to take some time to navigate through our new site. Thoughts? Questions? Ideas? Reach out to me on Twitter at @judykluger.
And be sure to check back soon for updates!
– By Hon. Judy Harris Kluger, Executive Director