Skadden Team Wins Landmark International Child Abduction Case for Sanctuary Client

At this year’s Above & Beyond Awards, Sanctuary is honoring a team from Skadden for securing an amazing and life-changing win for a Sanctuary client in a federal Hague Convention on International Child Abduction case.

At this year’s Above & Beyond Awards, Sanctuary for Families is excited to honor Betsy Hellmann, Counsel, International Litigation and Arbitration, and her team at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP with the Above & Beyond Pro Bono Award for the incredible efforts made on a case closed earlier this year. Betsy and associates Yunyi Chen, Joseph L. Choe, Matthew M. Jang, Spurthi Jonnalagadda, and Sonia Qin worked quickly and strategically with compassion and tenacity to secure an amazing and life-changing win for a Sanctuary client in a federal Hague Convention on International Child Abduction case.

The casework for which the Skadden team is being honored revolves around their representation of Morin Golan in a complicated Hague Convention on International Child Abduction (“Hague Convention”) case in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York. The case began in 2018 when Morin’s sister, Narkis Golan, fled Italy with her then-two year old son to escape severe domestic violence perpetrated by her husband and the father of her child. Her husband filed a Hague Convention petition in the United States. The main issue in the case centered on whether the District Court should force Narkis’ son to return to Italy, despite the dangers there. Narkis and her pro bono team took the case all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, which remanded the case to the District Court. You can read more about that case here.

In October 2022, while the case was still pending, Narkis suddenly passed away. With this new and heartbreaking development, the legal team had to re-strategize everything while grieving the loss of their client. It was during this difficult time that Betsy and her team were asked to represent Morin Golan, Narkis’ sister, who had immediately stepped in to care for her nephew after her sister’s passing. They got to work right away.

After the client’s death, the child’s father sought to use his status as the only surviving parent to rush the child to Italy with him. Betsy and her team used what little time they had to get up to speed on years of case history and prepare for a District Court appearance that was scheduled soon after Narkis’ death. The team faced a hostile judge who had ruled against the child’s mother several times in the course of the multi-year litigation. There was very little precedent to guide the team—and the Court—on handling a case with facts as unique as these were, so the Skadden team had to pave their way in these unusual circumstances.

The Skadden team received a number of discouraging decisions from the District Court during the 15 months it took to get a final decision, but they persevered. Never defeated and always hopeful, with each setback they strategized another avenue to try to obtain safety for Morin’s nephew. Ultimately, they persuaded the Court to deny the father’s petition to force the child’s return to Italy, showing that the risks posed to the child by a return to Italy did not simply disappear because of the death of his mother. If anything, there was more uncertainty about how the child would be safe if he were to be returned to Italy without the protection of his mother. The father did not appeal this decision, so the child is able to stay in the United States with his aunt, in a major win for the family.

Nicole Fidler, Senior Project Director and one of the Sanctuary attorneys working with the Skadden team on this case noted what a pleasure it was to work with Betsy.

“Betsy was incredibly collaborative and strategic. We had weekly strategy calls where Betsy always listened to everyone’s thoughts and advice, and then would brilliantly figure out where to go next in the case strategically. She was also a calming force for the team, remaining steadfast and resilient in the face of multiple judicial setbacks.” – Nicole Fidler, Sanctuary for Families

In talking about Betsy’s representation, Morin reflected that Betsy “put an incredible amount of heart into me, my nephew, and this case. She walked me through the most difficult time of my life.”

Betsy highlighted Skadden’s strong commitment to pro bono work “being as important as billable work; [it was] impressed from the start that you give the same level of service as that of billable clients.”

Betsy and her team did work beyond words to come out with a win for the client, and Sanctuary for Families could not be more honored to give the Above & Beyond Pro Bono Award to Betsy and her team.

Join us at our Above & Beyond Awards Ceremony on October 8, 2024, as we honor Skadden’s outstanding pro bono work.